Hello! I'm Roth

I am a systems and level designer with experience using C## and C-like languages to create engaging and interesting systems for games.

About Me

I am currently the Creative Lead and Technical Director at Vaporware making the first person shooter Beyond Sunset. Working on a tight-knit team has broadened my professional repertoire and I am most proud of the work I have done in programming, system design, level design, dialogue, and narrative/quest design. I am incredibly passionate about system design in particular and find it incredibly satisfying creating incentive structures that shape player action towards intended play.

Outside of design.

Outside of game design I enjoy pen and ink drawing, vintage computers, hiking, and have recently been getting into gardening with a focus on native plants and encouraging local biodiversity. I have 2 cats, Goro and Hot Dog who love to sleep all day in the same spot and make little noises. An ongoing passion project of mine is Wheelbreaker, a compilation of world building elements from the campaigns of Dungeon World that I have been game master for that serves as both a sandbox for campaigns as well as a reference tool for players.